ANGELA ADAMS is a 40 year old mother of three, a consumer of cannabis for over 20 years and a part of the movement to end cannabis prohibition.
She grew up in Marsden (Logan City), attending school locally. She was very sports oriented, playing club tennis, representing her school at district level, playing numerous other sports and representing her school at state level in swimming. It was through these sports she learnt about leadership and team work; lessons she still applies in her everyday life.
She moved with her youngest son to South Australia in 2013 for a better life after her two older children were taken from her by the Federal Children's Court due to her choice of medical cannabis and became more aware of prohibition when she joined the Medical Cannabis Users Association.
Angela worked in hospitality before she became a full time representative of cannabis law reform with the HEMP Party. During her time healing with cannabis, Angela has been arrested, convicted and has had all three children taken from her care, which has caused her to suffer symptoms of PTSD.
In South Australia, Angela advocated for change in the mental health system so patients could choose cannabis for their medical treatment. She became a fighter against the stigma expressed by Child Protection to show them that medical cannabis treatment shouldn't be looked at criminally but as a health issue, with many parents hoping for a better quality of life by using cannabis.
Angela’s criminal record, because of a plant, has stopped her from applying for many different jobs which has taken a toll on her family, as she has not been able to provide for all their needs and wants. This is unacceptable to Angela.
Five years sober (alcohol), thanks to cannabis, this plant has given Angela back the quality of life needed to successfully raise her kids. She is hoping to help change Queensland law, noting it's time the State took a step into the future and break the chains holding this healing herb.
Angela hopes to change the law to help those in need attain a better quality of life rather than just being thrown in jail or having their kids taken away. She believes Queensland has a great future, once the prohibition on cannabis and hemp is removed. And she believes this is worth fighting for.