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Join the Legalise Cannabis Queensland Party today and help us continue to GROW!

Volunteers are the backbone of every successful political party

In 2020, LCQ Party was founded by a coalition of individuals, including members from the former HEMP Party, who sought to participate as candidates in state
and federal elections to advocate for cannabis law reform.

Fast forward to 2024, and there is plenty to do between by-elections, a mayoral race and looming state election, it is all hands on deck!

Roll up Roll up and do your bit for the herb!

Yes you!

Cannabis Law Reform in Queensland can only be achieved from inside parliament. To do that we need to get someone elected. To get elected, people need to know about us and our policy.

Talking to someone face to face at a voting centre is your chance to shine, and you’ll be able to say, “I was a part of the change”. Polling can be a lot of fun! We like to present as the happy Party as we educate and urge people to vote for law reform.

However, if you don’t feel confident, we will be holding a Q & A Zoom for potential vollies … maybe join up with others in your area. Volunteer via the Facebook Group LCQ Party 2024 election volunteers

These elections will help raise awareness of the existence and purpose of the Legalise Cannabis Queensland Party and help push forward our ‘one policy – many issues’ and calls for law reform, in the media. You can contact the candidates directly via social media and/or email below.

Beyond the by-elections, ‘420 2024’ is fast approaching, and the Party is looking to host events on the Gold and Sunshine Coasts, along with Brisbane. We need your help to ensure the success of these family friendly events. If you live in a regional area, you might even consider hosting a 420 event yourself!

Thank you.

TOGETHER, Let’s change the law in ‘24!

Will you volunteer?