The war on drugs has been an abject failure worldwide – Queensland is no different. Millions of taxpayers’ dollars have been wasted on “harm minimisation” policies that have failed to reduce demand or supply. They have instead created harm. Cannabis offences have ruined the lives of too many young people in Queensland. Illicit drug offences remained the most common principle offence in 2017–18 for offenders in Queensland with over one in four offenders proceeded against by police having a principal offence involving Illicit drugs. Growing and using a natural plant for personal use should not be a crime.
Sunday morning of MardiGrass (5 May, 2024), Nimbin, New South Wales
- Addressing inconsistencies in cannabis ‘crimes’ sentencing. Legalising cannabis for personal use will eliminate wasteful spending on cannabis related minor crime resulting in better use of police resources taking pressure off the court system
- The legal consumption of cannabis will reduce anti-social behaviour and domestic violence often fuelled by alcohol abuse
- On the whole, cannabis users are less inclined towards violence. Given the freedom of choice, we expect anti-social behaviour, fuelled by alcohol and ice, would decrease with legalisation
- Current drug driving laws are NOT about road safety and have had little impact on reducing the road toll. False positives are ruining lives and livelihoods. Presence does not equal impairment. There needs to be a defence created for medical use
- Cannabis is a less HARMFUL choice as a recreational substance and taking it off the street creates demand for other more dangerous substances such as ice and heroin.