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Very safe Labor seat held by the current Queensland Premier. West of Redcliffe, covering Dakabin, Kallangur, Murrumba Downs, Griffin, parts of Mango Hill, Rothwell and Kippa-Ring. 63 square kilometres.


DAVID ZALOUDEK is a Bachelor of Commerce graduate with over twenty years experience in a range of client facing, business roles, including Account Management, Business Development and Financial Advice, David is presently a practising Financial Planner for a leading industry superannuation fund, assisting clients from all walks of life to achieve their personal financial and lifestyle goals.

Like many Australians with health concerns, David turned to medical cannabis seeking pain relief and improved wellness after struggling with bouts of depression and extremely poor sleep issues. He was delighted to find cannabis to be an effective, safe and natural remedy for his ailments. At the same time, David was made aware of the cannabis drug driving laws that threaten medicinal cannabis users with debilitating, life changing consequences, if drivers test positive for THC in their system, during a random roadside drug test (RDT).

Penalties include fines, suspension/loss of licence, a criminal record and loss of car insurance, all for the mere presence of THC in ones’ system, rather than any driving impairment. These penalties can severely impact peoples’ lives leading to loss of employment, limitations on future employment opportunities, loss of custody of children and potential financial ruin.

As a cannabis user, activist and advocate, David is determined to be part of generating positive change for cannabis in Australia. He wants to see a fully regulated cannabis industry, drug driving laws reformed, medical access to cannabis eased and freedom given to cannabis users to grow their own, use cannabis recreationally and/or medicinally, and for criminal convictions for cannabis offences to be expunged.



[email protected]


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