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Hervey Bay


Safe LNP since 2009. Built up area of Hervey Bay east from Dundowran Beach. Includes Point Vernon, Urraween, Pialba, Scarness, Torquay, Urangan and K’gari Fraser Island. 1,809 square kilometres.

JEFF KNIPE previously worked with tobacco giant Rothmans and International liquor company United Distillers, and is now embarking on the challenge to represent Legalise Cannabis Queensland, and add cannabis to the register of other lawful Australian pastimes.

Jeff has survived two bouts of cancer in the last six years, with enduring after-effects that have been treated with numerous pharmaceuticals, with no significant results. A terminally ill friend told him about cannabis and sent him some edibles to try. He immediately noticed a dramatic change in his sleep, pain and appetite.

Unfortunately, due to the current RDT swab tests, and although unimpaired, Jeff would lose his licence to drive, which in turn would affect his ability to work. His goal is to fight for change to this unfair policing policy, not only for his own benefit, but for the over ONE MILLION others who take legally prescribed cannabis medicine and risk prosecution daily.

Jeff also believes that Queenslanders should have the right to grow their own medication to treat their own symptoms and will work tirelessly in the Queensland Parliament to gain this right.

V O T E   ①   J E F F   K N I P E  For  H E R V E Y   B A Y   O C T O B E R   2024 !



[email protected]


Jeff, Hervey Bay

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