Dr SHAUN SANDOW has lived in Buderim with his partner, and two cats, since 2013. He passionately supports improved access to healthcare, which is a highly critical issue for the people of Buderim and the greater Queensland and Australian communities.
Shaun works in Biomedical Research, with expertise in treatments for cardiovascular disease; particularly stroke and problems during pregnancy. He lives with chronic long-term nerve pain and has an integral understanding of managing such pain and legalising cannabis as a medical issue, via a realistic plan to regulate cannabis and fix laws around its growth, possession and use, would aid those whom currently suffer.
An advocate for the genuine use of cannabis via self-medication and responsible adult use being issues of freedom of choice, Shaun’s main focus is to support legalisation and make access easier for adults, for how they see fit to treat their health problems.
Based on scientific evidence, cannabis is a medicine that can help alleviate many health problems. Doctor prescribed cannabis is currently too expensive and access for those needing it (such as the elderly with nerve pain) must be improved.
Legalising and improving cannabis availability for medical use has many benefits. Increasing availability of cannabis will help people control pain, anxiety, PTSD, some forms of childhood epilepsy, help improve appetite and sleep, particularly in people with cancer. Additional benefits include creating employment through developing a cannabis industry in Australia, and removing profits from illegal drug activity. Further, cannabis is carbon beneficial, sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Shaun’s other interests include running the Australian branch of an animal welfare charity which improves the lives of cats and dogs in Thailand, where animal abuse is sadly common. He also enjoys gardening and regularly travels to further his interest in the link between food, cooking and culture.