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Australian Government response to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee report: Inquiry into Current barriers to patient access to medicinal cannabis in Australia

Senate Community Affairs References Committee: Inquiry into Current barriers to patient access to medicinal cannabis in Australia (2020).

Recommendation 20: The committee recommends that the Australian Government, through COAG, encourage a review of state and territory criminal legislation in relation to:

  • amnesties for the possession and/or cultivation of cannabis for genuine self‑medication purposes; and
  • current drug driving laws and their implications for patients with legal medicinal cannabis prescriptions

Response: Noted. On 29 May 2020 the Prime Minister announced replacement of COAG by the National Federation Reform Council, with decision-making by the National Cabinet. The Government does not support the provisions of amnesties for possession and/or cultivation of cannabis through illegal sources, as there are straightforward legal means by which to obtain medicinal cannabis products on the prescription of medical doctor. Drug driving laws are legislated by the states and territories, although during 2020 the Advisory Council for the Medical Use of Cannabis is reviewing the implications for driving for patients prescribed medicinal cannabis.